
Running Analysis Victoria

Running Analysis Victoria A Running Analysis at Saanich Physio involves one of our experienced Physiotherapists observing and assessing you run. We will watch you in real time and also video you, so that we can analyse your form in slow motion. This…

IMS, Dry Needling Victoria

What is Dry Needling? Dry Needling is a specialised form of treatment that we use for reducing your pain and inflammation. Your trigger points are targeted with acupuncture needles to treat your pain, muscle tension, injury, and dysfunction.…

Tendon Injuries

Tendon Injuries – How do I know if I have Tendinopathy? A graded progressive approach to exercise is the best way to commence any new exercise regimens for tendon health. When you increase your training load too quickly you can cause your…

Hip Pain?

What is it? Hip bursitis is a fairly common condition, and involves inflammation of the bursae around the hip joint. The bursa are small fluid-filled sacs, and are present to reduce the friction between tendons and the bone and ensure that…
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Patellofemoral Syndrome. What the latest research tells us.

By Scott Simpson Saanich Physiotherapy + Sports Clinic Anterior knee pain has been shown to affect 1 in 4 of people in general population with increases in athletes (McConnell), likewise a study by Almedia, found that the problem affects 7-40%…
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Choosing the right Footwear for Running

Wearing the appropriate athletic shoe for specific sports activities can improve comfort and performance, and most importantly, prevent injuries. Sports can place tremendous pressure on the feet, ankles, and legs. Running and jumping, for example,…
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Exercise for Bone Health

Exercise and Bone Health Most people are familiar with many of the benefits of exercise, such as reducing the risk for heart disease and stroke, and preventing obesity. Perhaps not as well understood is the importance of regular physical activity…
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Upper Back and Neck Pain

Upper back and neck pain Firstly, I want to be clear as to the type of problem we are talking about. This is an aching pain and muscular tension in the upper back and neck which is not due to a specific injury. It is most common in office…

Steps to Success- Running and Walking tips

By: Dr. Scott Simpson FCAMPT,  Physiotherapist Forward we go! Running is a simple sport, but it's clearly not easy- this is what makes it such a great challenge. I'm a strong believer in doing preventative independent exercises as a means…

Foot Orthotics

When standing and walking, we are subjected to forces that produce stress and strain throughout our bodies. When a foot imbalance is present there can be abnormal forces on the feet, knees, hips, back and/or neck that lead to pain and poor function.…